'Have' exercises - pre-intermediate -


by Viv Quarry (www.vivquarry.com)


Write each of the following sentences twice. Using 'have got sth' and 'have sth'.


E.g. What/they/in their hands?


What have they got in their hands?                            What do they have in their hands?


1. How many lessons/you/a week.


___________________________                              ____________________________


2. We/not/enough time.


___________________________                              ____________________________


3. You/a car?


___________________________                              ____________________________


4. He/a problem.


___________________________                              ____________________________


5. She/a bicycle when she was a child?


___________________________                              ____________________________


Use 'have + noun' for an action to make sentences. Choose from the following expressions:


a swim / fun / a game / (for) lunch / a good time / a nice day /a shower / an argument / a dream


E.g. They are shouting a lot. ญญAre they having an argument?


1. What did you ________________________ ? A cheese sandwich.


2. ________________________ at the office? Yes, I did.


3. I ________________________  about an elephant last night!


4. Shall we ________________________ of cards tonight?


5. We ________________________ in Greece and the weather is beautiful!


6. Everyone enjoyed the party. We ________________________ !


7. Why don't you come to my house? If it's sunny we can  ________________________ .


8. Where's Sue? She's upstairs  ________________________ and washing her hair.


Viv's 'Have' worksheet



