

by Viv Quarry (www.vivquarry.com)


1. 'Have' can be used as an auxiliary verb in perfect tenses.


The present perfect (see Viv's present perfect worksheet)


+          I've lived here all my life.

-           They haven't finished yet.

Y/N?   Has she done it?

WH?    Where have they gone?


And the past perfect (See Viv's narrative tenses worksheet)


+          They had lived there all their lives.

-           He hadn't finished by 6pm.

Y/N?   Had she done it before?

WH?    They weren't there. Where had they gone?


2. 'Have' can be an auxiliary verb combining with 'got' in informal spoken British English.


This structure has the same form as the present perfect, but in fact, 'have got sth.' represents the present simple for states, possession and health.


+          I've got a headache.

-           We haven't got much time.

Y/N?   Has she got your book?

WH?    What have they got in their hands?


In formal, written British English, and more common in American English, 'have sth.' is used.


+          I have a headache.

-           We don't have much time.

Y/N?   Does she have your book?

WH?    What do they have in their hands?


In the past simple and present perfect, there is no difference between 'have got sth.' and 'have sth.'


+          I had a headache yesterday.                           +          I've had a headache since yesterday.

-           We didn't have enough time.                          -       &nbbsp;   We haven't had enough time to do it.

Y/N?   Did she have your book?                                Y/N?   Has she had your book since yesterday?

WH?    What did they have in their hands?                WH?    How long have they had it in their hands?


When used for state, possession and health, 'have' is a stative verb (see Viv's stative verbs worksheet).


Note! In the past there's a difference between 'sb got sth.' and 'sb had sth.'


He got a kite for his birthday. = He received it. (event)


He had a kite for 3 years. = It was in his possession for this time. (state)


3. 'Have' can combine with a noun to express an action.


In this case, it is a normal verb, so both the simple and continuous tenses are possible.


+          I usually have lunch here.                               +          I'm having lunch with Fred tomorrow.

-           We don't have a break in the afternoons.       -           We aren't having a break today.

Y/N?   Did you have a swim yesterday?                    Y/N?   Were you having a swim when I called?

WH?    What did they argue about?                           WH?    What were they arguing about?


Here are some nouns which combine with 'have':


Have an accident,  have an argument/row, have a cup of coffee, have a baby, have a break, have a chat, have a game of sth., have a good/nice time (at a party), have a good/nice day (at work), have a good/nice flight/journey/trip, have a holiday, have a dream, have a look at sth, have a party, have a rest, have a sandwich, have a shower/bath, have a swim, have a smoke/cigarette


NOTE that with the following expressions we don't use an article - A/AN/THE


Have + breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper/difficulty/trouble/fun.


Viv's 'Have' worksheet exercises


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