False Friends!

by Viv Quarry (www.vivquarry.com)

To find a word using Internet Explorer, hold down Ctrl and press ‘f’, then type in the word you are looking for and select ‘find next’ or ‘localizar proxima’.

BR Absorvente (N) = Tampon / tampax (UK) / sanitary towel.

UK Absorbent (ADJ) = Absorvente (adjective only).

Modern tampons are much more comfortable to use.

With the new polish product, you get a free, super-absorbent cleaning cloth.

BR Absurdo (N) = (Be) absurd.

UK Absurd (ADJ) = Ridiculo.

What she said was absurd!

It is absurd to think that this is possible.

BR Ancioso (ADJ) = Eager /looking forward to.

UK Anxious (ADJ) = Preocupado.

I'm looking forward to going on holiday next week.

I'm anxious about my daughter,it's midnight and she should have arrived home by now.

BR Animado (ADJ) = Lively / excited about sth.

UK Animation (N) = filme usando bonecos.

She's a very lively person, especially when she's excited about something.

The animation in the new Disney film is excellent.

BR Antecipar (V)! = Start sth. earlier / bring sth. forward (formal).

UK Anticipate (V)- = Prever.

I'd like to start today's class a bit earlier, if possible. I have an appointment at the doctor's.

I was able to anticipate which subjects would come up in the exam.

BR Artista de tv (N) = Actor / Actress.

UK Artist (N) = Pintor.

I saw an actor who works in soap operas today.

There's an exhibition of paintings by a Brazilian artist at the Museum of Modern Art.

BR Atualizado (ADJ) = Up-to-date.

UK Actual (ADJ) = Real, verdadeiro.

Watch CNN for up-to-date news.

He can't see the actual problem, only the results of the problem.

BR Atualmente (ADV) = At the moment.

UK Actually (ADV) = Na verdade.

At the moment I'm working in Rio.

She's not in Manaus at the moment. Actually, she came back to Rio last week.

BR Agenda (N) = Diary*.

UK Agenda (N) = Pauta de reunião.

Can I meet you next Friday? Just a moment, I'll look in my diary.

Here is the agenda for today's meeting. We'll be discussing seven items.

BR Arranjar (V) = Try to get (!).

BR Arranjado (ADJ) = To be fixed!

UK Arrange (V) = Organizar, colocar em ordem, marcar.

He's trying to get a higher paid job.

I have arranged the meeting for 4 pm.

BR Assistir (V) = Watch.

UK Assist (V) = Ajudar.

Did you watch the football match last night?

Call this number if you need assistence.

BR Balcão (N) = Counter.

UK Balcony (N) = Varanda.

You can change traveller's cheques at the foreign exchange counter in the bank.

My flat has a balcony with a beautiful view of the beach.

BR Banco (de praça) (N) = (Park) Bench.

UK Bank (N) = Banco financeiro, margem do rio ou inclinação de avião.

I'm tired! Let's sit down for a while on that bench over there.

The plane banked to the left as it passed over a bank built next to the river bank.

BR Blecaute (N) = Power cut.

UK Black out (V/N) = Perda de consciência.

What were you doing during the power cut last night?

I don't know what happened. When the accident happened I had a black out.

BR Café (N) = Coffee.

UK Café (N) = Cafeteria.

I love a cup of coffee in the morning.

Let's stop at a café and get a cup of coffee.

BR Cafeteira (N) = Coffee percolator .*

UK Cafeteria (N) = Refeitorio.

The first thing I do when I wake up is switch on the percolator and make myself a cup of coffee.

Most of the students have lunch in the cafeteria.

BR Camping (N) = A camp site (tents) / a trailer park (motorized).

UK Go camping (V) = Acampar, fazer acampamento.

We couldn't find a hotel so we stayed the night in a tent at a camp site.

When I was young, I used to go camping with my parents.

BR Cargo (N)! = Position.

UK Cargo (N) = Frete.

Mr Anderson will take over the position of managing director in December.

The cost of shipping cargo by train is cheaper than by lorry.

BR Categoria (N)! = Skill (be skillful).

UK Category (N) = Categoria (tipo).

The Brazilian football team are showing a lot of skill (are very skillful).

Learners of English can be divided into 7 categories ranging from beginner to proficiency.

BR Cenário (N) ! = Situation.

UK Scenery (N) = Cenário de filme / Paisagem.

I'm not happy with this new situation.

The scenery is beautiful in the south of France.

BR Chips (N) = Crisps.

UK Chips (N) = Batata frita.

In Britain you can buy packets of crisps in various flavours, like cheese & onion and salt & vinegar.

Fish and chips is a very popular take-away meal in Britain.

BR Clima (N) = Weather.

UK Climate (N) = Condicões climáticas.

What was the weather like in Italy?

The Amazon basin has a tropical climate.

BR Colar (N) = Necklace.

UK Collar (N) = Gola.

She was wearing a beautiful diamond necklace.

He turned up the collar of his coat to protect himself from the cold and rain.

BR Conjunção (N) = Combination.

UK Conjunction (N) ! = Partícula de ligação.

The rise in the value of the dollar was due to a combination of factors.

'While', 'after' and 'until' are conjunctions.

BR Combinar (V)! = Arrange / go with (clothes).

UK Combine (V) = Misturar.

Let's meet at 6 o'clock as we have arranged. / Your blue shirt doesn't go with the yellow trousers.

In order to write well you need to be able to combine a good range of vocabulary, grammatical accuracy and the efficient use of linking devices.

BR Comemorar (V)! = Celebrate

UK Commemorate (V) = Imortalizar uma pessoa. Homenagear.

Where did you celebrate you birthday?

They built a monument commemorating the end of the First World War.

BR Compleição (N) = Build.

UK Complexion (N) = Aspecto da epiderme (do rosto).

A policeman should be of very strong build.

People of a fair complexion should always use sun tan lotion at the beach.

BR Compromisso (N) = Have arranged to do sth. / appointment.

BR (se) Comprometer = Agree / promise to do sth.

UK Compromise (V/N) = Entendimento.

I won't be able to have a class on Friday because I have an appointment at the dentist.

They have agreed to reduce their prices.

I wanted the red one, and she wanted the blue, so we compromised and bought the green.

BR Cursar (V) = Do a course*.

UK Course (N)* = Aulas de (materia).

She's doing a mathematics course.

Her mathematics course will last for eight months.

BR Curso de inglês (N) = Language school.

UK English course (N) = Aulas de inglês .

I spent a month studying at a language school in London.

I'm doing an English course at night school.

BR Decorar (V)! = Learn by heart.

UK Decorate (V) = Fazer reformas em casa.

I've got an exam tomorrow, so I'm going to learn this vocabulary by heart.

We bought 5 tins of paint because we're going to redecorate our living room.

BR Deficiente (N) = Disabled/Handicapped person.

UK Deficient (Adj) = Faltando algo / inadequado.

These parking spaces are reserved for the disabled.

Many old people admitted to hospital are deficient in vitamin C.

BR Delegado (polícia) (N) = Detective.

UK Delegate (N) = Delegado de convenção.

The case is under investigation by some of the best detectives in the country.

Each local organisation can send three delegates to the party conference.

BR Desolado (ADJ) = Miserable*.

UK Desolate (ADJ) = Lugar abandonado.

I felt miserable when I heard that I had failed the test again.

Don't go there at night. It's a very desolate area.

BR Diária (N) = Expenses / expense account / daily rate (hotel).

UK Diary (N) = Agenda*.

The company pays $100 a day in travelling expenses when you have to go on business trips.

Let me make a note of the time of our appointment in my diary.

BR Disco (N) = Record (Stress on the first syllable).

UK Disco (N) = Discoteca

I don't buy records any more, I only buy CDs.

Have you been to the new disco in the town centre? The music's great!

BR Discussão (N) = Argument /row.

UK Discussion (N) = Debate.

I had an argument with my boyfriend, and now we're not talking to each other.

We had a discussion about the environment in our English class today.

BR Discutir (V) = Argue.

UK Discuss (V) = Conversar.

They spent the whole afternoon arguing about which football team was the best.

They discussed the company's pricing policy during the meeting.

BR Dividir entre pessoas (V) ! = Share sth.

UK Divide sth by sth. (V) = Dividir (só matemática) / Partir em dois

I don't really want to share a room with another student.

Six divided by two equals three. (They divided the cake between them. IS CORRECT)

BR Durex (N) = Selotape / adhesive tape.

UK Durex (N) (UK) = Preservativo *.

It's easier to use selotape than string when wrapping up christmas presents.

Durex is the most popular brand of condoms in Britain.

BR Editora (N) = Publisher.

UK Editor (N) = Chefe de redação.

The author sent his book to three publishers.

The editor makes the final decision about which articles the newspaper will run.

BR Experiência (cientifico) (N)! = (Scientific) Experiment.

UK Experience (N)! = Saber por experiência.

She doesn't agree with using animals in scientific experiments.

She is the best person for this job because she has a lot of experience in this area.

BR Esperto (ADJ) = Clever.

UK Expert (N) = Perito / especialista.

My dog is very clever, he always recognises me when I arrive home.

The police have called in a legal expert to study the evidence.

BR Esquisito (ADJ) = Strange / weird.

UK Exquisite (ADJ) = Raro / gracioso.

I didn't like the film, it was really wierd.

The diamond ring he gave her for her birthday was exquisite.

BR Estrangeiro (N) = Foreigner.

UK Stranger (N) = Estranho.

Foreigners wishing to legalize their situation in the country should contact the Federal Police.

My mother told me never to talk to strangers.

BR Estreito (ADJ) = Narrow.

UK Straight (ADJ) = Reto.

It's a very narrow road, so you won't be able to overtake..

Go straight on down this road, then turn left.

BR Equipe (N) = Team.

UK Equip (V) = Equipar.

To do this job well, you have to be able to work in teams. Teamwork is essential.

They needed sponsorship to help them to equip the expedition.

BR Exposição (N) = (Trade) fair.

UK Exhibition (N) = Mostra de obras de arte.

I have to go to a computer fair in São Paulo next week.

I'd like to go to the Picasso exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art.

BR Explorar (V) = Exploit.

UK Explore (V) = Descobrir.

I feel that I'm being exploited here. They make me work long hours and pay me very little.

I've just arrived in London and I want to go out and explore the city.

BR Facilidade (N) = Do sth. easily.

UK Facility (N) = Instalação.

I got around the problem very easily.

The new sports centre has excellent facilities.

BR Familiar (ADJ) = Family.

UK Familiar (ADJ) = Conhecido.

We haven't seen him for a while because he's got family problems.

There's something familiar about him. I think I recognise him.

BR Fantasia (N) = Costume.

UK Fantasy (N) = Sonho (erótico).

What was your carnival costume like?

He had a fantasy about Bridgette Bardot.

BR Frequência (N) = People who go there.

UK Frequency (N) = Medida de onda do radio, Numero de vezes algo acontecer.

I don't like the people who go to that restaurant on Saturdays.

Some types of disaster seem to be increasing in frequency.

BR Ginástica (N) = Keep fit / aerobics (women) / Weight training (men)

UK Gymnastics (N) = Ginástica olímpica

Every Friday I do keep fit at a fitness centre in Copacabana.

Her ambition is to win a gold medal for gymnastics at the next Olympic Games.

BR Haras (N) = Stud farm.

UK Harass (V) = Assediar.

The horse that won the second race is from a stud farm in the south east of Brazil?

Sexual Harassment is a crime which should be erradicated from the workplace.

BR Humor (N) = Mood.

UK Humour (N) = Senso do humor.

Don't ask the boss anything. He's in a bad mood.

Australians have a very good sense of humour.

BR Idioma (N) = Language.

UK Idiom (N) = Expressão idiomática.

How many languages can you speak.

There are lots of idioms in English and they are very difficult to learn.

BR Inauguração (N) = Opening.

UK Inauguration (N) = Tomar posse.

The opening of the new supermarket will take place next Friday.

The President's inauguration ceremony takes place next Friday.

BR Inconsequente (ADJ) = Reckless.

UK Inconsequent (ADJ) = Sem importância.

He always drives too fast. I think he's reckless.

The number of people who want to buy this product is so small as to be inconsequent.

BR Ingênuo (ADJ) = Naive.

UK Ingenious (ADJ) = Engenhoso.

When I first went to university I was a bit naive, I had a lot to learn about life.

Scientists have invented an ingenious device for opening bottles and cans.

BR Intoxicação (N) = Food poisoning.

UK Intoxicated (Adj) = Bêbado.

I ate some seafood at the party and suffered from food poisoning.

He was prosecuted for driving while intoxicated.

BR Inventar fazer (V) = Decide to do.

UK Invent (V) = Desenvolver uma invenção.

I've decided to do a course in economics.

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

BR Jogging (N) = Tracksuit.

UK Jogging (V) = Fazer cooper.

I always wear a tracksuit when I go jogging.


BR Joquei clube (N) = Race track.

UK Jockey (N) = Quem monta à cavalo numa corrida.

There's nothing I like more than spending the afternoon at the race track.

He's one of the best jockeys in horse racing today.

BR Jornal (N) = Newspaper.

UK Journal (N) = Revista especializada

Do you buy a newspaper every day?

He's a doctor and subscribes to a medical journal.

BR Legenda (N) = Subtitles (V&N).

UK Legend (N) = Lenda.

When you watch a film at the cinema, try not to look at the subtitles.

The story of King Arthur and the knights of the round table is just a legend.

BR Letra (N) = Hand-writing.

UK Letter (N) = Carta.

I haven't got very neat hand-writing.

He wrote a letter explaining why he hadn't been to see her.

BR Litoral (N) = The coast.

UK Literal (ADJ) = Literal.

Parati is on the coast to the south of Rio.

Phrasal verbs often have a metaphorical and a literal meaning.

BR Local (N) = The area.

UK Local (ADJ) = Na vizinhança.

UK Local (N) = Informal - Favourite pub.

Luckily there were two policemen in the area when the accident happened.

Do you go to the local shops or to the supermarket in the city?

He went down to his local for a pint.

BR Marmelada (N) = fixed result.

UK Marmalade (N) = Geléia de laranja.

They pulled strings in order to change the results of the competition.

I like having toast with marmalade for breakfast.

BR Militar (N) = Soldier.

UK Military (ADJ&N) = Militar / os militares.

Three soldiers were having a drink in a bar. (military policeman = Policia militar)

The military no longer interferes directly in Brazilian politics.

He was arrested by the military police.

BR Miserável (N) = Down and out / tramp.

UK Miserable (ADJ) = Muito triste.

Look at that down and out living under the overpass.

She was miserable when she found out that she hadn't passed her university entrance examination.

BR Miséria (N) = Poverty.

UK Misery (N) = Tristeza.

A lot of people in the shanty towns live in a state of absolute poverty.

She was in misery when her parents died.

BR Nervoso (ADJ) = Cross, irritated, upset.

UK Nervous (ADJ) = Assustado/preocupado.

I get cross when I see people throwing litter onto the streets.

She was nervous before her driving test.

BR Novela (N) = Soap opera.

UK Novel (N/ADJ) = Livro de ficção dramática / Novo e interessante.

Watching soap operas on tv is a national institution in Brazil.

Paulo Coelho usually writes novels with a mystical theme. He comes up with some novel ideas.

BR Obstinado/a (Adj) = Determined.

UK Obstinate (Adj) = Cabeça dura.

He's very determined. Once he decides to achieve something, he doesn't stop until he has got it.

He's very obstinate. He will never change his mind, even if he knows he's wrong.

BR Outdoor (N) = Advertising hoarding.

UK Outdoors (PREP) = Fora de casa.

When you get to my house you'll see a big hoarding for a communications company on the left.

Susan's just gone outdoors to talk to the neighbours.

BR Pacífico (ADJ) = Calm quiet,.

UK The Pacific (N) = Oceano Pacífico.

He's a very calm person.

Hawaai is in the Pacific Ocean.

BR Pão Frances (N) = (Bread) rolls.

UK French bread (N) = Bisnaga.

I'd like a cheese and ham roll, please.

French bread is long and thin and should best be eaten on the same day that it is bought.

BR Parcelar (V&N) = Pay in installments.

UK Parcel (N) = Pacote enviado pelo correio.

I could only afford to buy a new fridge by paying for it in installments.

A big parcel has arrived for you in the post. Who's it from?

BR Parentes (N) = Relations.

UK Parents (N) = Pais.

All of my relations are coming to my birthday party.

Are you going to go on holiday with your parents?

BR Parking (N) = Car park (UK), Parking lot (US).

UK Parking the car (V) = Estacionando o carro.

It's quite expensive to leave your car in the car park of a shopping centre.

Where's John?

He's parking the car.

BR Particular (ADJ) = Private.

UK Particular (ADJ) = Específico.

I have private classes twice a week.

I have particular problems with my irregular verbs.

BR Passar (V) = Come here / spend (time).

UK Pass (V) = Ultrapassar /me passar.

I always spend my holidays in the North East of Brazil.

Could you pass me the salt, please.

BR Patrocinar (V) = Sponsor (N = sponsorship).

UK Patronise (V)! = Tratar com condescendência.

Shell sponsors several events in the areas of arts and music.

She's got a lot of experience in her area, but it doesn't give her the right to be patronising.

BR Pavimento (N&ADJ) = Tarmac road or floor in a building.

UK Pavement (N) = Calçada (Sidewalk in the USA).

There's a tarmac road which links to two country villages.

It's illegal to park on the pavement in Britain.

BR Garrafa PET (N) = A one and a half / two litre bottle.

UK Pet (N) = Bicho de estimação.

I'd like to order a pizza with a one and a half litre bottle of guarana, please.

It's quite common for British families to keep a cat as a pet.

BR Piloto (F1) (N) = Formula One Driver.

UK Pilot (N) = Piloto de avião / barco.

I want to be a Formula One racing driver when I grow up.

He is a pilot in the airforce.

BR Planta (N)! = The architectural drawings or plans.

UK Plants (N&V) = Plantas (vegetal).

UK Plant (N) = Maquinaria, instalação.

We'll need to look at the architectural drawings to see if this wall can be demolished.

I like having plants in my living room. They give room colour and a relaxing atmosphere.

Volkswagen's Rio plant was opened last week.

BR Play (ground) (N) = Play area / patio.

UK Playground (N) = Pátio de recreio.

UK Play (N) = Peça de teatro.

My block of flats has a patio where the children can play.

At lunch time, the school children can play football in the playground.

Let's go to the theatre and watch that new play.

BR Pós Graduação (N) = Post-graduate (person and qualification).

UK Graduation (N) = Formatura.

I have completed a post-graduate course in economics.

Both of Susan's parents went to her graduation ceremony.

BR Praticar = Do / play / go.

UK Practice = Treinar / aprimorar.

I enjoy playing sports.

I have a swimming competition next week, so I want to practice my backstroke.

BR Prescrever (V) = Lose validity (this concept does not exist in British law).

UK Prescribe (V) = Receitar.

In Brazil, some crimes lose validity after a certain amount of time

I went to the doctor and she prescribed some antibiotics.

BR Prescrição (N) = Lose validity.

UK Prescription (N)* = Receita médica.

His crime was committed 50 years ago, so he couldn't be arrested because the crime had lost validity.

You can't buy some medicines in Britain without a doctor's prescription.

BR Preservativo (N) = Condom / Durex* (UK).

UK Preservative (N) = Conservante.

Durex is the most popular brand of condoms in Britain.

Too many preservatives are used in industrial foods these days.

BR Pretender (V) = Intend to / want to / be planning to.

UK Pretend (V) = Fingir.

I want to study English at a school in the UK.

Was he really disappointed when he failed the test?

No, he was just pretending.

BR Protetor solar (N) = Sun tan lotion.

UK Protector (N) ! = Normalmente só verbo.

It's best to use a high factor sun tan lotion if you go to the beach on a summer afternoon.

He has six body guards to protect him.

BR Professor (N) = (School) teacher, (University) lecturer.

UK Professor (N) = Cientista/Acadêmico velha/o, Doutor (titulo).

My Engineering lecturer is very nice.

The new head of English at Oxford University is Professor John Davies.

BR Programa (N) = Activity/thing to do.

UK Program (N) = Programa de computador.

UK Programme (N) = TV ou lista de eventos.

Going to the cinema is a good thing to do at the weekend.

I used a computer program to help me learn my irregular verbs.

What is the Governor's programme for this afternoon?

BR Propaganda (N) = Advertising / advertisement.

BR Propaganda eleitoral (N) = Party political broadcast.

UK Propaganda (N) = Doutrinação política.

The company was prosecuted for a misleading advertisement.

Everybody switches off the tv when the party political broadcasts are on.

Josef Goebles was responsible for nazi propaganda during the second world war.

BR Provar algo (V) ! = Try sth (on).

UK Prove sth. (V) = Conseguir as provas.

I'd like to try these shoes on before buying them. I tried the cake to see if it was ok to eat.

You shouldn't make accusations if you can't prove what you're saying.

BR Puxe (V) = Pull.

BR Puxar alguem (V) = To take after sb.

UK Push (V) = Empurrar.

You have to pull the door open towards you.

John takes after his father, he both looks and acts like him.

Don't push me! Wait for your turn.

BR Realizar (V) = Achieve / make sth possible (!).

UK Realise (V) = Compreender.

By working hard, she was able to achieve everything that she wanted.

I didn't recognise him at first, but then I realised that I had seen him before.

BR Receita (N) = Prescription* (medicine), revenue or income (finance) and recipe (cooking).

UK Receipt (N) = Nota fiscal.

I'm going to the chemist's because the doctor has given me a prescription.

Last year, the company had a total revenue of sixty million pounds.

You can make your income tax declaration using a form or the internet.

Can you give me the recipe for this delicious cake?

When you buy things abroad, always keep the receipt to prove how much you paid for the goods.

BR Reformar (V)! = Redecorate.

UK Reform (V&N) = Emendar / emenda.

Our house is a mess at the moment because we're having our kitchen redecorated.

A majority of politicians voted in favour of constitutional reform.

BR Refrigerante (N) = Soft drink.

UK Refrigerate (V) = Manter na geladeira.

Would you like to have a beer or a soft drink with your meal.

Supermarkets must keep perishable foods refrigerated below a certain temperature.

BR Representar alguém (V) ! = Play the part of (film & theatre).

UK Represent sb. (V) = Agir em lugar de alguém.

Tom Cruise played the part of a young businessman in the Oscar winning film.

The managing director couldn't come to this meeting, but I'm here representing him.

BR Resumo (N) = Summary.

UK Resume (V) = Començar de novo.

US Resumé (N) = Curriculum Vitae - C.V. (UK).

"Can you write up a summary of what we discussed at the meeting, please?"

"Let's have lunch now, and resume our discussion after lunch".

Enclose a copy of your resumé with your job application and send it to our office in Texas.

BR Remarcar (V) = Rearrange.

UK Remark (N&V) = Observar / observação.

Can we rearrange the time of our next class? I have an appointment at the dentist's.

John made a very interesting remark during the discussion on our new sales policy.

BR Reunião (N) = Meeting.

UK Reunion (N) = Assembléia de família ou grupo.

I have to go to a meeting at three o'clock.

I'm going to a school reunion to meet the people I was at school with twenty years ago.

BR Revelar (V)! = Have / get a film developed.

UK Reveal (V) = Revelar um segredo.

Let's take these last to photos now so that we can get this film developed straight away.

He refused to reveal where he had hidden the stolen money.

BR Rigoroso! (ADJ) = Strict.

UK Rigorous (ADJ) = Cuidadoso / meticuloso.

My teacher is very strict about completing homework.

It is important to be rigorous when keeping records.

BR Rude (ADJ) = Ignorant.

UK Rude (ADJ) = Mal educado.

He was so ignorant that he could neither read nor write.

It's very rude to speak with your mouth full of food.

BR Sensível (ADJ) = Sensitive.

UK Sensible (ADJ) = Sensato

She gets upset very easily, she's very sensitive.

Learning English is the sensible thing to do in a global economy.

BR (Não) Servir (V)! = Be useful to sb. / be of no use to sb.

UK Serve (V) = Servir à mesa / fazer serviço.

I hope that this worksheet will be useful to you. It's of no use to me, because I wrote it!

Will you serve the soup or shall? / He's been serving in the army for 3 years.

BR Shopping (N) = Shopping centre (UK) Shopping mall (USA).

UK Go shopping (V) = Fazer compras.

I went to a shopping centre in Barra yesterday.

I'm going shopping. Do you want me to buy anything?

BR Simpático (ADJ) = Nice.

UK Sympathetic (ADJ) = Solidário.

I like John, he's a really nice person.

She was very sympathic when I told her that my father had died.

BR Simples (ADJ) = Unsophisticated (!).

UK Simple (ADJ) = Tolo / bobo.

My grandmother is an unsophisticated sort of person.

I don't think he'll ever get a good job. I'm afraid he's a bit simple.

BR Smoking (N) = Dinner jacket / suit (UK) Tuxedo (USA).

UK Smoking (V) = Fumando.

It is a formal event and you have to wear a dinner suit.

Smoking is bad for your health.

BR Suportar (V) = Put up with / endure / can't stand.

UK Support (V) = Torcer para / Ajudar / auxiliar.

UK Support (N) = Apoio.

I can't stand the sound of mosquitos, but in the jungle you just have to put up with them.

Which football team do you support?

If the company is to survive, it will need the support of its shareholders.

BR Tenente (N) = Lieutenant.

UK Tenant (N) = Inquilino.

He's a lieutenant in the airforce.

All the tenants in this block of flats rent their flats from the same landlord.

BR Tênis (N) = Training shoes/ trainers/ tennis shoes.

UK Tennis (N) = Sport.

I bought a very nice pair of training shoes in Miami.

Wimbledon is one of the most famous tennis competitions in the world.

BR Traficante (N) = Drug dealer (selling drugs) drug baron (chefe do trafico).

UK Drug trafficker = Pessoa envolvida no transporte internacional de drogas.

Most of the shanty towns are controlled by drug barons.

Three drug traffickers were caught at the international airport trying to smuggle drugs to Europe.

BR Trânsito (N)* = Traffic.

UK In transit (N/Adj) = Entre dois pontos.

The traffic was terrible tonight. It took me an hour to get here.

Transit passengers are requested to stay in their seats and not leave the plane.

BR Usar roupas/drogas(V) = Wear (Clothes) / Take (drugs).

UK Use (V)! = Utilzar.

She was wearing a light blue cotton dress, a pearl necklace and white leather shoes.

You have to use a screwdriver to take the back off the tv.

BR Violão (N) = (Acoustic) Guitar.

UK Violin (N) = Violino.

Someone brought a guitar and we around the fire singing songs.

He plays the violin in the National Orchestra.

BR Visitar (V/N) = Go to.

UK Visit (V/N) = Fazer uma visita.

Last week I went to Petrópolis.

When we are in Petrópolis, let's visit your mother.


False friends are sinister things because they can sometimes be used in a certain context as synonyms for their English "brother". Therefore, if you look them up in a dictionary, you will often find the word listed under the definition of it's "twin". Look carefully at the example sentences to see the context in which the "friend" is false.

* When you see an asterisk, it means that there is another false friend listed under that name.

(!) When you see an exclamation mark, it means that the word can sometimes be used with the same meaning in English and Portugese, but it is much more common for the word to be a false friend.

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