A Spelling Test
(taken from the site: http://www.sentex.net/%7Emmcadams/spelling.html - this site is unfortunately no longer on-line)
Put a tick next to the word which you think is spelt correctly (use the list of difficult words to spell on Viv's spelling worksheet to check your answers).
1. |
annoint |
anoint |
2. |
coolly |
cooly |
3. |
supersede |
supercede |
4. |
irresistible |
irresistable |
5. |
developement |
development |
6. |
alright |
allright |
7. |
seperate |
separate |
8. |
tyranny |
tyrrany |
9. |
harrass |
harass |
10. |
desiccate |
dessicate |
11. |
indispensable |
indispensible |
12. |
recieve |
receive |
13. |
pursue |
persue |
14. |
reccomend |
recommend |
15. |
desperate |
desparate |
16. |
liquify |
liquefy |
17. |
seize |
sieze |
18. |
cemetary |
cemetery |
19. |
subpoena |
subpena |
20. |
definately |
definitely |
21. |
ocassion |
occasion |
22. |
consensus |
concensus |
23. |
inadvertant |
inadvertent |
24. |
minuscule |
miniscule |
25. |
judgment |
judgement |
26. |
inoculate |
innoculate |
27. |
drunkenness |
drunkeness |
28. |
occurence |
occurrence |
29. |
dissipate |
disippate |
30. |
weird |
wierd |
31. |
alot |
a lot |
32. |
accomodate |
accommodate |
33. |
embarrassment |
embarassment |
34. |
ecstacy |
ecstasy |
35. |
repetition |
repitition |
36. |
battalion |
batallion |
37. |
despair |
dispair |
38. |
irritable |
irritible |
39. |
accidently |
accidentally |
40. |
liaison |
liason |
41. |
memento |
momento |
42. |
brocolli |
broccoli |
43. |
millennium |
millenium |
44. |
yeild |
yield |
45. |
existence |
existance |
46. |
independent |
independant |
47. |
sacreligious |
sacrilegious |
48. |
insistent |
insistant |
49. |
excede |
exceed |
50. |
privilege |
priviledge |