Level 1 Film Activity - One flew over the cuckoo's nest - Part 1


DVD activity by Viv Quarry (www.vivquarry.com)


Part 1 (DVD scenes 1 - 5 ) Viewing time approx. 25 minutes (activity time 45mins.)


Pre-teach the following vocabulary


Health & body (p.26f*)

(ADJ+N) Deaf

(ADJ+N) Dumb

(N) Group therapy

(N) Mental institution / hospital

(ADJ+N) Mentally ill = crazy = lunatic (loony) = mad = nuts / wacko (USA)

 (N) Patients /PAYSHUNTS/

(N) Ward = hospital room


Sport & leisure (p.38f*)

Pack of cards   Suits     Hearts              Ace                  Take a pack of cards into the classroom when you

                                    Clubs               King                 present this vocabulary. You can deal two cards

                                    Diamonds        Queen              to each student and play '21'. Teach 'hit me',

                                    Spades             Jack                 'stick' and 'bust'. Students say the cards they've got.

(V+N) Deal                 Exp. The jack of clubs.

(V+N) Shuffle


While the DVD is loading and the 'copyright' warning is on:

Tell the students that they are going to watch a film with subtitles in English and that it isn't important that they understand every word. However, they must pay careful attention because they will have to talk about what they've seen next class.


Play the film from the start with  Subtitles in English.


When Mc Murphy leads Martini away from the game of cards (before the interview with Dr Spivey) Select subtitles in students' native language.


Watch the film until the external buildings appear, after the  combative stare between Nurse Ratched and Mc Murphy at the end of the first group therapy session then stop the film.


Post-viewing activity: ask the students to talk about what they have seen. If necessary use prompts:

How did the film start?

What happened before McMurphy arrived? (mime taking medicine with tongue out)

What happened after he arrived? (mime sb who can't speak or hear)

What happened next? (mime playing cards)

What did the doctor say? (fishing, asked why McMurphy was there)

What happened in the group therapy session? (argument)


These questions will also be used before viewing part 2, so make sure that different students answer the questions.


* These numbers refer to Viv's student vocabulary organisation - see


Organising your student's notebook

