By Viv Quarry.
To learn vocabulary efficiently, you need efficient organisation and regular revision.
It has been proved that it is easier to remember words when they are associated with other words in groups. This is why your notebook is divided into different vocabulary sections. Always identify a new word with it's part of speech (verb, noun, adjective, adverb or preposition) separated by a margin. This will help you locate the word in the future. Always put a definition, either in English or in Portuguese, and if necessary, put the pronunciation of the word using a different colour to differentiate from the spelling.
forgets words which have been learnt. The only way to learn new
vocabulary effectively is by regular revision. Imagine that
during your English class you learn ten words. During the next
three days, you will gradually forget most of the words until on
the third day you will only be able to remember two of the words.
These two words you will probably never forget, but the other
eight words will be lost. However, if on the third day you revise
the same words, you will briefly go back to knowing ten words.
Over the next three days, you will start forgetting the words
again, BUT by day seven you will be able to remember four of the
ten words, and these four you will never forget. If you repeat
the process three more times, you will know all ten words.
Some techniques for learning vocabulary
2. Cut out small squares of card. Write the word on one side and its definition on the other. Keep the cards near you, either in your pocket or in a small bag or box. When you have time, take out a card. If you can remember the word or definition, put it somewhere else. If not, look at it and put it back in your pocket again. When there are no more words left in your pocket, you have learnt them all.
3. Make the same small cards as in 2. Instead of putting them in your pocket, fix them with selatape to things around your apartment or bedroom eg. on a mirror in the bathroom, beside the tv etc. Every time you see the word you will be reminded what it means. When you can remember, take the word off and put another one in its place.
4. The computer can be very useful in learning new words. Put the words into a table. This way you can sort them alphabetically, and temporarily delete a column to test yourself.
5. Record words, definitions & context sentences on tape. Play the tape in your car driving to work.
6. Draw pictures to illustrate what words mean and use different colours to write them.
Do you have any other ideas for learning vocabulary? Let Viv know if you do.